Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Customize Your Facebook Ads

Facebook is still one of the most widely used social media sites and many businesses have placed their information on Facebook so customers can look them up or keep in touch. Doing so also allows the option for customers to reach out to that business by responding to the business’s custom made ad. From there, as a customer, you can decide what products or services you want from that company.

If you’re a fan of custom made ads, you might be thinking- how can that get any better? Well now Facebook has made ad making even more personal by allowing specific business products offered to be advertised. So instead of only having the option to advertise your business as one product or service, businesses can now be found based on individual products offered.

Check out : Anthony Ha and Josh Constine’s article to find out more about how it works.

Can Robots Help Those With Dementia

Having a loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or Dementia can be a hard process to go through. The feeling of not knowing if someone will remember you the next day or if they can even remember their own personal moments can make a person feel just as helpless as the one with the disease. If there were a way to help people with this issue- I’m sure many would at least look into how this problem can be minimized.

Check out this article titled: Software developed for robots to aid dementia patients; information about this new found robot may surprise you with its abilities.

Too Small or Just Enough?

Architects have done it again! It seems to be an ongoing trend throughout the years for architects to build small housing spaces. The concept of most small houses or trailers is to get the most of what little space you have. For example, a team known as ShelterWise built a house, aka the Cider Box, which was only 224 square feet. This home was about 22’ long, 8.5’wide and 13.5’ high (ShelterWise, TinyHouseTalk, n.d.) 

Check out another vision created in Australia, this design uses space wisely and is also said to “produce more energy that it consumes.”

Cancer and Alternative Treatments

Cancer is an ongoing, deadly and unfortunately a common disease many people face. However once a person becomes aware of their circumstance they are able to discuss their options with their primary doctor. From there, of course, the doctor will go over the best procedures or tests needed in order to manage the type of cancer the patient is presented with.

Yet what is optional for those who believe or are interested in alternative treatments such as herbs and supplements. Doctors know a great deal about recommended treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation; but have you ever wonder how many doctors actually discuss or offer alternative treatments as an option? Is this type of treatment actually helpful or harmful towards patients? And will this option be presented to the patient in detail as common treatments options are?

Find out more about this subject by reading an article by Roxanne Nelson titled: Oncologist Need to Ask About Herbs and Supplements.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Amazing Vet Still Serving His Country After The War


Many veterinarians have a difficult time once they come back home to their “normal” lives. Some may have mental or physical issues as well as problems with finding a decent job or a place to stay. Once these issues arise some vets may find themselves overwhelmed with the amount of issues they are faced with and others find a way to deal with problems they personally face while helping another in their time of need. In this amazing article by Boua Xiong, you will find out how a current vet helped another fellow vet in their time of despair.  

Attention Landlords

#RealEstate in New York

Keeping up with certain information that relates to your business can be tricky and can also change without notice. If you are a real estate agent or landlord that statement would probably stick out to you as a definite truth. In order to maintain properties and/or keep your tenants as well as yourself informed, reviewing certain laws periodically would be beneficial.
Check out this article by Andrew M. Lieb to find out about a few changes that may affect those in the real estate industry

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Test Your Technology

When you think of technology, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Usually it’s something along the lines of “intelligence” or “advancement” - right. But how does the software or technology you use on a daily bases, (or that you may have created), scale in terms of advancement or intelligence?  And could there be a simple way to figure out how up-to-date your new found technology or software really is?

Check out this article titled: Three Reasons Why Your Software Is So Far Behind Schedule ,By Jon Evans to see if your technology can pass the test.